
Netzwerk unter HP-UX

NFS unter HP-UX 11i

NFS unter HP-UX 11i V3

NFS Services Administrator's Guide: HP-UX 11i version 3(external link)

Configuring and Administering an NFS Server

NFS Server Configuration Files

File Name Function
etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf Contains the variables read by the start-up scripts of the NFS subsystem.
etc/pcnfsd.conf Contains the PC NFS configuration information.
etc/default/nfs Contains the parameters to set the default behavior of various NFS commands and daemons.
etc/dfs/dfstab Contains the share commands that are executed when the NFS server subsystem starts.
etc/dfs/fstypes Contains the distributed filesystem types. The default filesystem is NFS.
etc/nfssec.conf Contains the valid and supported NFS security modes.
etc/dfs/sharetab Contains the system record of shared filesystems.
etc/rmtab Contains all the entries for hosts that have mounted filesystems from any system.

NFS Server Daemons

File Name Function

Configuring the NFSv4 Server Protocol Version

Enabling an NFS Server

Sharing Directories with NFS Clients

Sharing a directory with NFS Clients

Examples for Sharing directories

Secure Sharing of Directories

The share command enables you to specify a security mode for NFS. Use the sec option to specify the different security modes. Table 2-3 describes the security modes of the share command.

Security Modes of the share command
Security Mode Description

Secure NFS Setup with Kerberos

Secure NFS Client Configuration with Kerberos

Accessing Shared NFS Directories across a Firewall

Sharing directories across a firewall without fixed port numbers (NFSv2 and NFSv3)

Sharing directories across a firewall using fixed port numbers in the nfs file

Sharing directories across a firewall using the NFSv4 protocol

Sharing directories across a firewall using the WebNFS Feature

Configuring an NFS Server for use by a PC NFS client

Unsharing (Removing) a Shared Directory

Disabling the NFS Server

Configuring and Administering NFS Clients

NFS Client Configuration Files and Daemons

NFS client configuration files
Security Mode Description

NFS client daemons
Security Mode Description

NFS Client and Server Transport Connections

Configuring and Using NFS Netgroups

Configuring RPC-based Services

Configuring and Administering AutoFS

Configuring and Administering a Cache Filesystem

Troubleshooting NFS Services